Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Prosperity Law of Persistence by Catherine Ponder


According to Catherine Ponder and your own interpretation, "What is the difference between the "can-do" and "can't - do" attitude?  Explain and give real life examples.  Go back into the text if you need to refresh the concept.  


  1. The difference between the can-do attitude and can't do attitude is the can do is when you feel confident in yourself and care less about other people's criticism. On the other hand the can't do attitude is when you always doubt yourself no matter what when in reality you sometimes succeed. For example, I'm never going to do well on an oral presentation because I don't want to sound idiotic is a can't do attitude because you're just letting the negativity haunt you. I am going to graduate on time is an example of the can- do attitude because it proves that you are pushing the worriness away and staying strong showing you won't disappoint anyone. Another example of a can- do attitude can be I am intelligent enough to pass all of my exams shows you are not getting so much worried and when you keep telling yourself that a miracle will happen.

    1. I like this response. Who is this, please identify yourself? Nice explanation with good examples. Keep thinking this way and the miracles will happen!

    2. What does the picture say to you? What is the image saying?

  2. The difference between the "can-do" and the "can't-do" attitude is that when you are eager to do something and want to succeed, the negative comments come in and you believe them. The can-do attitude is when you put your mind into something extraordinary and you succeed. The can't-do attitude is when you have the angel on your shoulder and the devil on the next. Constantly arguing to see which one you follow. Some people follow the negative , but there are ways of thinking positive. Affirmations. You don't have to believe it, but you have to maintain that thinking and better things will come your way.

  3. Good response - Why do many people continue with the "can't do" attitude?

  4. The image about the can-do and can't-do attitude is persuading me the reality of persistence and why it always wins. The image was showing a man who was having trouble pushing a heavy rock without having any assistance from anyone. Despite him having a lot of trouble pushing that heavy rock and wanting to give up badly, he tells himself i can do this even without any help.Even when he has nobody to give him a hand on a heavy object to push.
    Jeremiah Santiago

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  6. The difference between the "Can do" attitude and the "Can't do attitude" is very simple. People with the "can do" attitude have the ability to block out all of their negative thoughts, are eager to excel and push to succeed. People with the "Can't do" attitude are constantly doubting themselves because they lack the confidence needed to succeed, Simply because they're used to filling their mind with NEGATIVE thoughts.

  7. Lisbeth Luna

    The can do is basically when you feel positive about doing something. Some people feel that they can't do certain things and the outcome will be that they will NOT be successful in life, but the can do is you taking the right path. The majority of us have mixed emotions about what we can do and can't do, as a result the people who can do are the ones who will succeed in life. If you decided that you cannot do certain things, putting excuses on top of you, being lazy and many other things.. you will NOT be successful at anything.
    Sometimes I feel like I can do certain things, but my body does not help me cooperate, and as a result I end up with the CANT-do theory, but in my mind I know I am can things.
    Some people might not realize about how their actions now will affect their future. Some of us don't even realize that we can do things in life, but their is always that one thing that will bring us back to square one, and sadly that's the can't do. Our lives depend on having a lot of confidence and accepting yourself, and not letting other people come into your life with negative things, because at the end.. who will end up winning?
    My answer is, you.
